Friday, November 30, 2012

Face to Face With Free Video Chat

Since words and sentences can only say that much, the pressing need to see who's across the wire rose to new heights and free video chat was born. In actual fact, this probably evolved from video conferencing which was and still is a norm in corporate communication. In order to let the common man have a go at it, the powers that be offered the service at no charge.

To enjoy this service, firstly get yourself a web camera and decent connection to the internet. Since this is not like normal chat whereby text is sent back and forth, ensure you sign up with an internet service provider which gives you good bandwidth. As video chat works on the principle of streaming live video, it just would not do to see choppy images splashed across your screen. Other than viewing video chats on a monitor, they can also be sent to mobile phones which support videos.

Some free video chat rooms allow the recording of video messages and presentations for future storage as well as sharing with other individuals or groups. Recipients can download the video messages and view at their convenience. Live video chats can also be recorded for posterity sake or other less desirable reasons. In addition to exchanging faces, this form of communication also allows exchange of documents and collaboration. In other words, it can be used for fun as well as work.

Face to Face With Free Video Chat

Depending on the offerings of the sites, their video conferencing facilities can be extended from a one-to-one communication to multiple participants from various locations, all easily convened in a single screen. Being free of charge, it's certainly the more preferred method to come together as the physical gathering of people together entails much higher costs.

Newer work techniques have superseded the conventional method of physically meeting one another as we live in a borderless environment. What separate us are no longer bodies of water and land, but rather firewalls and IP addresses.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Whose Phone Number Is This? Find Out Whose Phone Number This Is With Reverse Phone Lookup

You may receive a telephone call from a phone number you don't recognise, and will probably ask yourself, whose phone number is this - especially if you get several anonymous calls from the same phone number. Or perhaps you found a phone number on your spouse or partner's cell phone, or written down on a scrap of paper in their wallet or purse, and you're suspicious of who they might have been talking to. There are several reasons why you might want to find out whose phone number it is.

So, now you've got the phone number, how do you go about putting your mind to rest, or confirming your suspicions one way or another? Well, there are a few things you can do which don't cost anything.

The simplest one, if you're feeling brave enough, is to simply call the number and ask who it is. If you don't want to do this, and a lot of people wouldn't want to, then get a friend to call for you. If you're a girl, get a guy friend to call for you, and if you're a guy, yes, you guessed it, ask a female friend to call the phone number. It's much easier for someone of the same sex as the caller to make that sort of call without attracting the suspicions of the person at the other end. Of course, this method won't always work, especially if the person whose phone number it is doesn't want to be identified.

Whose Phone Number Is This? Find Out Whose Phone Number This Is With Reverse Phone Lookup

So, what next? Well, you could try Googling the number - you never know, you might get lucky, although it's a long shot. While you're on Google, it's probably a good idea to look for some free Reverse Phone Number lookup websites, and give those a try. There are a few of them around, and you might be lucky, but to be honest, the databases they use aren't that comprehensive, and if you think about it, would you give that sort of information away for free if people are prepared to pay for it? Probably not.

This brings us to the most effective way to find out who the number calling you belongs to. You'll need to use a paid Reverse Phone Number Lookup service. They only cost a few dollars, and they are much more reliable and comprehensive than the free services. Look at it this way. If you don't spend just a few bucks now, you could be worrying about the mystery phone number for quite a while, and causing yourself unnecessary stress, just for the sake of the price of a couple of movie tickets. Think about it - it's not that much to pay for peace of mind.

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If you are wondering whose phone number is this, there are several sites which can help you, but which one do you choose?

Graham Alexander is a telecoms enthusiast who has reviewed a few of the best Reverse Phone Number Lookup Sites available on the internet.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Video Talk Review - Is The Hype Surrounding My Video Talk True?

My Video Talk is a global company with a huge following over seas that is currently launching in the U.S. They provide video conferencing services, online meeting capabilities, video email, and offer personalized video sites that can be used by anyone to host their videos and share them with the world. This article will provide my view on the company and whether they're a scam, or a long-term opportunity for you to earn a solid income in the home business industry.

First of all, I've been able to build multiple successful network marketing teams into the thousands and I've been a trainer for multiple companies. I am a partner in an online marketing coaching company, so I definitely have the ability to judge My Video Talk's parameters.

I've noticed 3 things that a network marketing company needs to live beyond a short-term hype machine and make it in the long run.

My Video Talk Review - Is The Hype Surrounding My Video Talk True?

#1 - The company needs to provide a unique, high quality product or service, AND they need to have a value proposition that is at a minimum competitive in their niche.

My Video Talk does offer a unique product. All of their services are offered elsewhere, but the huge benefit of using their service is that people can bundle them all together and achieve significant savings.

None of this is of any value unless the video services are competitive with what else is in the marketplace. My Video Talk's online meeting capabilities are better than the industry leader Webex, and are priced lower than Gotomeeting, which is a good thing for the company's longevity.

#2 - The company needs to have a top quality leadership team, and be supported by top network marketers.

My Video Talk is already a success overseas. Top networkers in Asia and Europe are already on board, so this is a big plus for them. However, the United States is still the biggest possible market, and the one that the company's success will hinge on. From what I've been told and whom I've talked to, they are on the verge of landing some of the industry's biggest hitters from numerous companies. If they can sign those people up and convince them to bring their teams My Video Talk will thrive here.

The company is owned by Team Effort International, LLC Founded in 2002. Any time a company can go beyond the 5 year mark, they are in VERY good shape for a long-term run, so this bodes very well for My Video Talk.

#3 - From an individual distributor's perspective, even the greatest company in existence is useless unless you have a good marketing plan in place.

My Video Talk has the potential to be a long-term winner in the network marketing industry, but my experience has dictated that unless a person knows how to market themselves, they don't stand a chance. I've seen people that have been hugely successful in other industries fail miserably because they couldn't market themselves and had no idea how to build a business in network marketing.

These are the skills that are essential for success long term regardless of what company you're a part of. If you follow this formula, and seek to grow and accumulate knowledge of how to market your business like a professional, than you will have advantages over almost every other My Video Talk distributor.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

What Are 1-877 Numbers?

Want to know more about 877 numbers? The biggest misconception about 1-877 numbers is that if you call the same number with 1-800, you will get the same company. However this is not the case at all. Toll free numbers with different area codes are for totally separate businesses.

What is so confusing sometimes is when various companies choose the same vanity number, but with different prefixes including 866, 877, 800 or 888. You might think you are calling an attorney in your city, but if you dial the wrong prefix, you can get a totally different person across the country.

Like their 800 cousins, 877 numbers are completely free for the customer to dial. Along with that they provide many benefits to the end user, like ease of use, affordability and sense of professionalism.

What Are 1-877 Numbers?

Let's back up a bit to find out more on these friendly digits. Toll free numbers actually date back as early as the 1960s, but their purpose was widely different than today's. The toll free number was initially created as a way to cut back on using phone operators. The process was also created to offer customers more options rather than collect calling.

Along with that, they were normally controlled by the major phone companies. It wasn't until the 1990s that the FCC helped consumers have more leverage in this area and keep their 800 numbers even if they changed phone services.

Later, 800 numbers associated with vanity phrases became widely popular. This newfound recognition fostered the need for more 800 prefixes. That's when additional area codes like 877 (circa 1998) came on the scene.

As businesses and the global economy grew, the need for more area codes was never as urgent. What's more, longer vanity characters were in demand too. The newer toll free prefixes such as 866 and 877 became highly sought for their wide-ranging and longer vanity selections.

Some of the digits in the area codes can be swapped for alphabetical letters, while standard 800 numbers cannot. For example, with an 877 or 866 area code you can have the vanity number 1-US-RENOVATIONS.

Vanity numbers even with the 1-877 toll free prefix appeal to marketers. First of all, they offer more vanity options, which become etched in consumers' minds more so than numeric value phone numbers. Plus, like any toll free number, they are easier to call, have branding benefits, and can increase response rates.

A toll free number with an 877 area code is yours forever. Even if you move, you can still keep the same exact number. The same holds true for the other prefixes too. In the old days, a business that moved usually lost customers.

Even today, communicating your new information proves challenging. You can send out as many "we moved" reminders or emails and still get missed calls. E-mail can get snatched by spam filters and anything that even resembles "junk mail" in your regular mailbox usually gets tossed. So classically, people have viewed 800 numbers as an asset.

All in all, today an 877 number is like any other toll free line, but you can get more vanity choices.

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Custom Toll Free helps companies and individuals navigate the confusing world of premium toll free vanity numbers.

Our service allows you to search the available pool and look up premium vanity numbers, and then negotiates on your behalf to get dramatically better return on your investments in marketing and advertising through the use of toll free 800, 866 and 877 numbers.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Will Happen on December 21, 2012?

What will happen on December 21, 2012? Learn more about this mysterious date.

December 21, 2012 - What is it all about; Is it the end of world?

The ancient Mayans looked into the stars and predicted catastrophical changes on earth and marked on their long count calendar the date December 21, 2012 as the end of world.

What Will Happen on December 21, 2012?

Solar Flare, Polar Reversal, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

The initial phenomenon for the end of world would be gigantic solar flares caused by unusual sun's magnetic fields. The increase in the number of sunspots and sun flares for 2012 has been predicted by NASA. This would surely bring satellite disruptions and electrical failures.

The solar flare would in turn affect the earth's polarity and will reverse north pole to south pole. And a series of catastrophic chain reaction might occur. From pole shift to earth's lost geomagnetism to massive earthquakes to erupting volcanoes to tidal waves to floods and there would be massive destruction to life on earth.

Because of the weakened magnetic fields the earth may not protect us against cosmic and solar radiation which would affect the nuclear reactors on the nuclear power plants. Buildings and skyscrapers will be shattered and a cloud of volcanic dust will cling.

Is 2012 hoax?

Do you believe if the solar flare maximum is scientifically proved by NASA scientists? A quick Google search on "2012 solar flare NASA" will bring you an article 'solar storm warning' on NASA's site. A lot of people around you just say 2012 a hoax or scam. And being skeptic is just normal, because we all live in a world of cheats and scams. But think again this is definitely not a hoax. We just simply stamp anything beyond our knowledge as hoax. We will definitely find more scientific explanations as 2012 nears. Before that, are you prepared enough to survive?

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Are you prepared enough how to survive 2012? Do you still think 2012 a hoax or scam? You will be shocked to know these facts about Dec 21, 2012. Click here to know what will happen on December 21, 2012?

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

How To Make A Online Video For YouTube & Google Etc

Are you interested in making your own videos to upload to YouTube and other online video websites to share with the rest of the internet community? If you are and if this is your first time trying to do so, you may be wondering how you can go about making your own videos. Although the process of making a video for the likes of YouTube may seem like a complicated one, it isn't necessarily. Even those with a low amount of computer knowledge are able to successfully make their own videos, many of which later end up on one of the online video sites like YouTube.

The first step in making an online video is to get a video recording device. Video recording devices come in a number of different formats. For instance, it is possible to use cell phones, webcams, or traditional camcorders. If you are interested in using your cell phone to help you make a YouTube video, you will need to make sure that your cell phone has video recording capabilities. You will find that most new, modern cell phones do. For the best quality videos, you want to use traditional camcorders, particularly digital ones, but webcams are also nice low-cost alternatives.

Once you have a video recording device in your possession, you can start to make your own videos. Popular videos on YouTube include video blogs, comedy skits, how-to videos, or travel videos. You can make just about whatever type of video you want, whether it is one that is staged or just recording spur of the moment activities or conversations. When making your video, it is important to remember that YouTube doesn't limit the number of videos you can submit, but all videos must be ten minutes or less, if you have a traditional membership account. Therefore, if you want to have videos be longer than ten minutes, you either need to upgrade your account or make your videos in different segments.

How To Make A Online Video For YouTube & Google Etc

When making your video for YouTube, you will want to make sure that the quality is good. For this, it is a good idea to speak directly into the camera or else use raised voices. This will help to ensure that those watching your videos on can actually understand what you are saying. It is also advised that you make sure the lighting is good. The best time to make movies is during the day. If you want to make your movies at night, whether they take place inside or outdoors, you will want to make sure that you have the appropriate amount of lighting. Nothing is worse that watching a video that is hard to see.

Although there are a number of steps, like the ones mentioned above, which you can take to ensure that your YouTube/Google/Vimeo videos etc are quality ones, there is a way that you can fix problems later on. You can do this with movie editing software. Moving editing software allows you to preview and edit your videos, should you wish to do so before uploading them. If you have a relatively new computer, you should be able to find movie editing software already on your computer. If you are unable to find movie editing software, you should be able to get free software programs or even purchase deluxe software programs online or from one of your local media stores.

The decision as to whether or not you want to edit your videos, before sharing them on YouTube, is yours to make, but it is advised that you at least look into doing so, especially if your computer already has a movie editing program. You will want to watch your movies and see if there is anything that you would like to edit, change, or remove. If so, the time to do it is before you post your video on the YouTube website. Editing your videos or at least previewing them first is likely to improve their quality, which, in turn, will help to improve the exposure that your online video gets. Many YouTube members share videos that they find interesting with those that they know and your videos may be one of them.

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Whether you are promoting wire bathroom shelves or your Internet marketing business - a good online video, submitted to the top video websites like, YouTube and Viddler can really help boost traffic and sales.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What is Video Conferencing?

What is video conferencing?

Video conferencing is a communication technology that integrates voice and video to connect the remote users with each other via internet as they are in the same room. Each user needs a computer, microphone, web cam and a broadband internet connection for participating in the video conferencing. Users at both the ends see and hear each other in real time allowing natural conversation. Many communication companies have been dabbling in video conferencing technology.

Good bandwidth is needed for high quality of the video conferencing. Video conferencing got more popularity with the release of Microsoft Net meeting. Now currently there are a numbers of companies that are promoting the video conferencing software.

What is Video Conferencing?

Video conferencing is very appealing to the educational and business sector. Video conferencing made it possible to bring the users closer (virtually face to face) hence saving the cost and time. Many universities have adopted video conferencing as an educational tool. Businessmen around the world use video conferencing to keep in touch with other people.

Video conferencing is in more demanding phase and more video conferencing applications and technologies are in the development and improvement process. Eventually video conferencing will allow the creation of the virtual cities, online places where people can work together without the need of physically present in the same premises. Using a computer, video camera and a broadband internet connection, you can establish a video conferencing connection.

Video conferencing is a very useful communication method because it can save the time and traveling cost of the people. A video conference between two people is known as point-to-point and among the more people is known as multipoint conference. Besides the audio and video transmission between the people, videoconferencing is also used to share the documents, computer displayed information.

More improvement is being made in the videoconferencing applications by which people can work and manipulate on the same documents and computer applications at the same time. IEEE gives standard and guidance for the development of videoconferencing. The H.320 standard tells that how video conferencing operates over ISDN telephone circuits. The H.323 standard tells how videoconferencing operates over the Internet (TCP/IP or IP).

The quality of the videoconferencing depends on the characteristics of the circuit between the conferencing sites. In H.323 world, a high quality conference needs about 768Kbs of bandwidth. In the universities and college campuses a higher bandwidth connection of 10Mbs is required.

Following are the some rules for the bandwidth, required for videoconferencing.

Bandwidth Usage

768Kbs this is used in campuses and gives excellent quality.

384Kbs this bandwidth also gives good connection with IP and ISDN lines.

256Kbs Audio is okay but video is not full motion.

128Kbs both audio and video are not excellent.

If you have to choose between ISDN and IP for your videoconferencing connection you should consider two things quality and cost. With the IP based connections there is no additional cost. On the other hand, even though there is some additional cost with the ISDN connection, but you get a constant speed and excellent connection quality and with the IP based connection, due to the commodity internet you do not have guaranteed bandwidth.

Videoconferencing has different advantages. Here are the some advantages of the videoconferencing technology.

· By using the video conferencing the faculty members can keep in touch with class remotely.

· Guest lectures can be conducted in a class from a different institute locally ore remotely.

· Scientist and researchers can collaborate with each other at different institutes on the regular basis.

· Researchers and teachers can answers the questions from an agency.

· Marriages in some countries are being performed by using the video conferencing technology, if the one partner is at one end and the other is abroad. The people at both ends can see each other.

· Student interviews with an employer in another city or country.


Telecommuting is now being used to connote a broader activity, which includes the individual interaction and collaboration that takes places between home based entrepreneur, consultants and business partners


Video conferencing is also being used in the telemedicine.

Distance Learning

Educators in elementary, secondary and higher education and corporate training are using videoconferencing. Video lectures are becoming the commonplace. There are other applications that virtually getting the remote guests in the class room and conducting the important lectures. These are great opportunities to add value to the educational process using video conferencing as a tool.

Career Services

Many major companies cutting back their recruiting budgets and conducting the remote interviews by video conferencing, which is making them possible to screen the right candidate.

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