Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Download YouTube Video and Save It to Your Computer for Offline Viewing

YouTube has been one of the most popular website to view all kind of videos posted by people around the world. Just enter the YouTube website and you can search virtually any kind of videos on the subject you like.

With embedded HTML code and video streaming technology, you are able to watch videos directly from your browser. You are also able to post text comment or a video response to the videos, view other related videos and upload your own video as well. With lots of features given, unfortunately there is one feature that YouTube does not provide and that is to let you download the video.

Video Conferencing

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But here is a trick to let you download and save the video for offline viewing.

How to Download YouTube Video and Save It to Your Computer for Offline Viewing

1. Go to any YouTube video you are watching. Right click on page and select the "View Source" option from the menu. Or "View Page Source" for FireFox browser.

2. Press "CTRL + F" to search for a word "player2.swf". And notice there is a HTML line like this:


3. Replace the "/player2.swf" to "" and it will become:


4. Paste it to the "Address Bar" at top of your browser and press "Enter". Then it will prompt you to save the video. REMEMBER to name your video with the ".flv" extension at the end of the filename. A correct example would be something like "myvideo.flv".

Keep in mind that the video you have saved just now is in Flash Video Format. It is the standard file format YouTube use to play video on their website. So, your Windows Media Player might not able to play the video. But no worry, what you need to do is just go to and search for "flv player" and there are couples of Free player available. Just download and install it on your computer you will be able to watch the video you saved just now.

OK, now grab the popcorn and enjoy the movie!

How to Download YouTube Video and Save It to Your Computer for Offline Viewing

Find out how you can retrieve a download link of YouTube video automatically at

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Hype Free Internet Marketing Training

Continuing education is as important among Internet marketers as it is in traditional marketing. As technology develops at a fast pace, consumer behavior and trends change as well, making professional Internet marketing training a necessity for marketers.

There is a variety of ways to get professional internet marketing training, but by far the best is to attend a live workshop - the networking opportunities are priceless.

Video Conferencing

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What to look for in a training event

Hype Free Internet Marketing Training

Speakers' background

You'll want to learn only from the very best Internet marketers who practice what they teach, and who are not just mere speakers. A demonstrable - with clear proof - successful business is the best indication of the skills that a trainer will be able to share with you. Learn what you can about the presenters at an event before signing up for any product. A quick search online should come up with positive or negative feedback about the speakers.

Advanced topics

Training events cost money and make worthwhile investments if they can teach you intermediate or advanced skills for Internet marketing. The promotion materials should give you a glimpse of the topics to be discussed in the seminar or workshop.

Limited seats

A low teacher 'to-student ratio boosts learning in a live seminar or workshop. With fewer participants to attend to, the event's speakers can answer most of your questions and coach you as well. Organisers that sell to a large audience are more concerned about their profits and less about your chances of succeeding after the seminar so you should avoid their events.

Training Subjects

Webinar strategies

With a webinar, you'll never have to leave your home or business behind just to talk to people around the world. This valuable conferencing tool is also useful for coaching sessions, training a group of people, holding meetings as well as creating a downloadable product for your website. Learn how to set up a webinar and the right way to hold one as well.


An economic recession is the best time to build your domain portfolio when prices are low. Sell at a high price when the economy recovers or develop your domains into SEO websites that you can rent out or resell for thousands of dollars to competing businesses.

Intermediate to advanced IM skills that you can acquire at a quality internet marketing training program include - video marketing, effective copywriting, pay per click advertising and article marketing.

Hype Free Internet Marketing Training

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Up Sells and Addons to Help Grow Your Web Hosting Revenue

Everyone is aware of the current condition of the web hosting market, which has lead to a drastic reduction in revenue for hosting companies. In addition to revenue reduction, greater competition has placed advertising spots at a premium. Have no fear, I have found five products that you can up-sell to your clients to bring revenue back up, allowing you to afford rising advertising cost.

1. Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing

Fashion To Go Fashion To Go Buy Elite Buying Ideas Buying Tags Cheap Sales Custom Items Daily Corner Daily Item Daily Tags Easy at Home Easy Purchase Ed-Buy Online Elite Market Elite Zone E-Shopping Mall Gift Shopping I-Shopping New Prices New Price Tags Online Grocery Shop for Online Shop In Style Shopping Cart Shopping Day AZ Shopping Cart Brand Sales 24 Hours For Gifts

It is no secret that businesses and individuals are cutting back on travel expenses. There is no better product than video conferencing for keeping businesses in touch. With video conferencing usage growing by 15% year after year, there is no better time to incorporate this product into your web hosting offerings.

Up Sells and Addons to Help Grow Your Web Hosting Revenue

While there are hundreds if not even thousands of video conferencing companies to choose from, my preferred provider is Voxwire. They offer private labeling to resellers, allowing them to share in the monthly revenue stream from their clients. If Voxwire and its reseller program doesn't do it for you, there are other providers like WebEx and GoToMeeting that provide reseller/affiliate programs as well.

2. Search Engine Optimization / Search Engine Marketing

Everyone wants to increase traffic to their website. If you do not have traffic, you aren't making money. Let's face it, the years of "if you build it, they will come" are long gone. You could start off by offering a basic SEO / SEM solution like the I Need Hits reseller program; you could find a freelancer who will work on a flat fee per month; or you can go into a partnership agreement with a marketing agency like eBridge Marketing Solutions. You could even offer all three! When most basic SEO packages start out at .95 and the premium agencies charge tens of thousands of dollars, this could lead to a large chunk of change in your pocket each month.

3. Merchant Accounts

If you are not helping your clients find a merchant account you are losing out on thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of dollars in revenue each month. Like video conferencing, many merchant account providers offer a referral revenue stream. Companies like provide you with up to 30% in referral fees. You never know when you might have a 0k account buying .95/month hosting that needs a merchant account for its brick and mortar business or online store. Merchant accounts are effortless to sell and you could make more in commissions each month then what the hosting account is bringing in.

4. Software as a Service (SaaS) Ecommerce Solutions

I know you probably think that every customer wants to do it themselves when it comes to their website. The truth is, the majority DO NOT. The majority of businesses and individuals starting out in ecommerce want a simple and easy solution. They want to be up and selling in 5 minutes. Why do you think eBay has done so well? If you leave your clients to try and figure out ecommerce themselves, there is a good chance they will get frustrated and give up. This is lost revenue for you. If you were partnered with a company like Volusion, TurnKey Commerce or Shopify you could successfully refer them to your ecommerce solutions partner and take up to a whopping 25% of revenue share to the bank. With the average SaaS shopping cart solution starting around , you make your .50 for life without even having to provide technical support. When you are handing off the customer to the SaaS provider make sure to offer them the great deals you have on merchant accounts so you can add another 30% in profit to your bottom line each month. If you do not, the big boys will be happy to do it for you.

5. Web Design

Just like Search Engine Optimization services, web design can be sold in many forms. You have the turnkey template solution provided by a 3rdparty; these charge you a setup fee plus a monthly fee. This can work out well in the budget hosting market. Then you have the option of bringing in a freelancer to do your client's projects. The freelancer charges you a one-time fee and you charge the client. Then there is the private partner design studio product option. Here you outsource the design to a design studio like for premium design services. Web design runs from just under 0/month for budget design services to anywhere from ,000.00 to ,000.00 for premium design services. With the average commission worth 20%, you could add an extra .00/month to your bottom line or a nice 0.00 to ,000.00 one-time commission.

The most important piece of information that every web hosting provider should understand is: YOU HOLD THE POWER. Web hosting companies tend to have massive amounts of clients due to the low price of the service and the size of the market. Use your client base to generate extra revenue for yourself by providing them with the products and services they already need. With these five simple up-sells you can take a .95/month account and turn it into a 0.00/month account with very little effort. Just remember, for every product or service you do not offer to your client you're sending revenue into someone else's wallet.

Up Sells and Addons to Help Grow Your Web Hosting Revenue

Established by business consultant Zachary McClung, Web Host Summit is a radical new online media firm focusing on the web hosting industry. After pioneering the first-ever virtual conference exclusively for the web hosting industry, the company has launched a variety of initiatives designed to create dynamic, affordable educational opportunities for professionals at web hosting companies, hosting resellers, web designers, and anyone who wants to build a successful web hosting firm. Read more articles like the one above at [].

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Face-to-Face Communication - Old Fashioned? Not!

It's unbelievable how dependent we've become as a society on electronic communication devices! E-mail, text messaging, PDA's, cell phones, video conferencing, blackberries, blueberries, rasberries, and more...have taken the place of good old fashioned, face-to-face communication leading to many interpersonal difficulties and miscommunications in today's workplace.

You may be thinking...Why improve my interpersonal skills when most businesses do 99% of communication by telephone, teleconferencing, videoconferencing, e-mail, and on rare occasions, snail mail. A popular way of thinking today...but, is it really the correct way? "Face-to-face communication remains the most powerful human interaction," says Kathleen Begley, Ed.D., author of Face-to-Face Communication, Making Human Connections in a Technology-Driven World. "As wonderful as electronic devices are, they can never fully replace the intimacy and immediacy of people conversing in the same room and it has worked for millions of years."

Video Conferencing

In business, we talk about "B2B" (business to business) and "B2C" (business to consumer) methods. I try to buck the trend (in a positive way!) to stress the importance of face-to-face communication. You'll hear me talk a lot about the "P2P" (people-to-people) connections and how important it is to get beyond technology and talk face-to-face with friends, family, colleagues, customers, vendors, and the like. You may think that's a bit old-fashioned, but in my opinion, there is no substitution for the human, up-close and personal contact. Don't get me wrong, there is a place for the terrific technology tools we have today and I use it regularly, but it's not always my first or best choice.

Face-to-Face Communication - Old Fashioned? Not!

Several decades ago, John Naisbitt, in his mega 1960's best-seller, Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives, brought a new concept to the forefront called "high tech, high touch." His idea was that "as human beings became capable of anonymous electronic communication, they would concurrently need more close-up personal interaction." Seems to me that he was right on target!

We live in a society when flocking to the local coffee shop or diner for coffee chats with business associates or friends is a testimony to our need for human togetherness, especially when most coffee lovers can make a latte or cappuccino right in their homes. Think about the fortunes coffee establishments are making on our need for face-to-face communication! The people-to-people connections...

We hear of the many children (and adults) who spend countless hours alone playing video games. However, The Game Manufacturing Association reported in 2003 that family board game sales (like Monopoly and Scrabble) are booming and growing at 20% per year. Cranium has recently come out with a whole new line of board games for our "little people" (ages 3+). The people-to-people connections start at an early age - if you haven't heard it, ask me to tell you my "Papa Zitto" story!

Even when disaster strikes and the news media bring these events into our homes and workplaces via TV, radio and the Internet, we seek out opportunities to share grief. I personally waited in line for almost three hours with hundreds of others to visit Ground Zero in New York when it opened to the public in December 2001. Many people also left makeshift shrines nearby to honor the victims of that tragedy. The people-to-people connections...

We lead hectic, multi-tasking lives both at home and in the workplace these days and we find the need for balance even more critical than in days gone by. We understand that technology can be impersonal, but it's quick! We know we need to make time for more people-to-people connections but, the reality of the hectic pace doesn't leave us much time for this more intimate form of communication. You may be thinking, isn't it much faster to make a quick phone call, send a brief e-mail, or hook up via video-conferencing to have a meeting of the minds? Yes and no. It's a communications paradox...faster is not always better.

So the better question may be, how can we make the best of both worlds - technology and face-to-face, people-to-people connections?

Just as fashions are redesigned and come back with a variation on a style from days-gone- by, I believe it is time for redesigning and revitalizing face-to-face (P2P) communication skills.

We need to get the balance right! People-to-people (P2P) communication skills remain one of the primary success factors in business, even in this age of technology. There are many situations - often those involving conflict, hurt feelings, high priority, or a large sum of money - that demand business people take the time and trouble to get in the same room to share information. Video-conferencing has become a good simulation and cost-effective method when individuals are in remote locations, but there is still no substitute for good, old-fashioned, face-to-face communication.

Don't take my word for it...Let's take a look at what some of the experts are saying.

Tom Peters, internationally known business guru, says without reservation that you should constantly attend to your face-to-face communication. Not to do so, will lead to career disaster. "We believe in high tech, high touch," Peters writes. "No question, technology is the Great Enabler. But, paradoxically, now the human bit is more, not less, important than ever before."

Sheila Hodge, author of Global Smarts: The Art of Communicating and Deal Making Anywhere in the World, says "The modern office is full of gadgets - computers and the Internet, uplinks and downlinks, videoconferencing, and online databases. Many people think they should let the fancy technology handle the messy task of interfacing with people."

Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, in her book Reading People, talks about how young, technically oriented employees tend to communicate mostly in computer chat rooms. "If you want to become a better communicator, you must make a conscious effort to engage other people (in person)," she writes. "Even the most entrenched Internet junkie can learn the true meaning of 'chat' if the desire is there, but you have to get off the couch and make it happen."

Gary McClain and Deborah Romaine in their book, The Everything Managing People Book, put it this way..."Consistent, daily face-to-face communication promotes more than just good feelings; it also promotes effective and collaborative teamwork."

"One of the most critical areas of communication to get right in business is the one-on-one situations - especially offering advice, constructive feedback, and annual performance appraisals," says Chris Roebuck in Effective Communication.

One of my favorite quotes stated very simply by Margaret Wheatley, Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope for the Future, says "I can believe we can change the world if we start talking to one another again."

Sounds like we're on to something here...So, what can you do? Start out by taking an honest look at your communication methods and your attitude about technology vs. (P2P) face-to-face interaction. Are you e-mailing more and meeting less for financial reasons? Are you avoiding human contact mostly because of a lack of interpersonal skills? If the latter is true, you need to take action before it's too late.

The next time you are tempted to send an e-mail, text message or make a phone call for other than routine purposes, stop! Get back to basics. Go out of your comfort zone and, instead, send the e-mail, text message or make the call to set up a face-to-face, in person meeting with the person behind the technology! Why? Because it works!

Make the people-to-people connections... You and your business will be glad you did!

A Positive Workplace Means Business! TM

Face-to-Face Communication - Old Fashioned? Not!

Mary Jane (MJ) Paris, Founder and President of Positive Impact Consulting Services, LLC in Shelton, CT, brings a broad base of experience to her practice gained from more than 25 years in people management, sales, retail banking, training, recruiting, coaching, project management, event planning and community leadership.

With a focus on "The Positive Workplace," MJ and Positive Impact specialize in leadership and professional development programs, speaking engagements, and small business coaching that bring "Positive Energy" to your workplace. Engage employees, maximize productivity, improve customer service and business results...

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

How You Can Make A YouTube Video Of Your Own

YouTube is quite the place. You can video on just about anything and could end up getting hooked on hanging out there. I guess that is why Google bought it. What if you want to put a video of your own on YouTube? This article takes a look at how anyone can make a YouTube video and do it fairly easy.

First of all you will need something to record your video with. This could be a camcorder or even a cell phone if it is equipped to record videos. You have to love modern technology. A digital camcorder will give you the best quality.

Video Conferencing

Once you know how you are going to record you video you can get started. Popular videos on YouTube include funny videos, music, video blogs, how-to videos, or even videos on a trip you have taken. You can make a video on just about anything you want. It is your video. Think of yourself as a director.

How You Can Make A YouTube Video Of Your Own

You need to keep your videos less than 10 minutes and you can submit as many videos to YouTube as you want.

When creating a YouTube video make sure that the quality is good. Speak directly into the camera or else use raised voices. You do not have to shout, but rather project with your voice so people who will be watching your video can hear and understand what you are saying.

As with any video or picture make sure you have adequate lighting. Shooting during the day will help with this. Once you have your video done you will want to view and then edit it. You can use editing software for movies for this. Your computer with probably have movie editing software if it is a new model. If not you can find it at a media store or on the internet.

You can not spend to much time making sure you edit your video so it is a high quality video. You are putting this online to share with friends and family, but you never know who will end up seeing it.

The last step once you have your video the way you want it is to post it on YouTube. You will need to register for a free account if you do not already have one. Once you are registered you can log in and go to YouTubes help center for information on easily uploading your new video. They even have a YouTube forum you can join and ask questions and read previous discussions.

YouTube is around to stay and getting your own videos online is another step to joining this amazing technological age we live in.

How You Can Make A YouTube Video Of Your Own

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Add Audio to Video

Digital media is everywhere you look. Music and video production have made it to the grass roots level thanks to the affordability and widespread use of powerful computers.

Inexpensive digital video cameras are widely available, and older analog video cameras can be connected to a computer through a video card to download movies to the computer for editing, storage, and distribution to friends and relatives over the internet.

Video Conferencing

It has become fairly easy to edit your own videos, and there are many software packages available aimed at the amateur. The Windows operating system has its own video editing package called Windows Movie Maker that allows you to produce professional-looking videos.

How to Add Audio to Video

As you explore this exciting new world, you will inevitably come up with the need to edit the audio portion of your video file. The sound quality of most video cameras is not great, so you may want to process the sound or replace it all together with music or voice-overs.

It is very easy to separate the audio from the video. Free software packages that do this task include Windows Media Encoder from Microsoft (if you are working with WMV video files) and VirtualDub (if you are working with AVI files). Either of these programs (and many others) allow you to save the audio portion of video file quickly and easily.
Once you have your audio file, you can process it for noise reduction, bring up the volume, add music or do any digital magic to it that you desire.

With many video editing packages, however, it isn't necessary to split the audio to a separate file. Even simple packages like Windows Movie Maker have basic audio editing functions, and you can add separate music or voice tracks and mix all of them together.

If you have a particular audio file that you would like to use in your video (maybe a special effect or a voice over that you have recorded separately) simply add that file to the list of media to be included in the video. Other media formats can be separate video files, picture files or graphics.

The audio file can be placed anywhere on the time-line, and you can use the same file many times without requiring any extra storage space on your computer. For precise placement, zoom all the way into your timeline and place the audio exactly in sync with the video. That's it! You are well on your way to making professional-looking videos!

How to Add Audio to Video

Hans is editor of the Audio Howto Section of the

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fast Symmetrical Broadband With Guaranteed Speeds, Ideal for Handling Large Files in the Office

This report deals with the growing availability of WiMAX in the UK. Already well-established in the USA and in countries like India by the giants of telecommunications, in Britain it has been left to smaller specialist providers to invest in the infrastructure and to develop services. The downside of this is that not many areas in the country have the service available to them but, because the providers own their own networks, they are very responsive and keen to ensure that their clients get prompt and reliable service.

WiMAX uses the latest technology to provide broadband, data and voice communications by microwave from a series of base stations located on high buildings. Most broadband currently arriving on our screens is delivered by telephone lines - copper wires, designed and intended to carry analogue signals of our conversations back to the telephone exchanges to be switched to the appropriate destinations. It was never envisaged that these fragile strands of wire should be required to carry the enormous digital traffic needed by broadband or the data transfer that occurs when downloading films etc. The speed at which broadband arrives is contingent on factors such as the distance from the exchange and the fluctuating weight of traffic being carried. The consumer rarely gets the speed which the service provider advertises as being nominally available. In selected areas, many of our streets are equipped with fibre optic cabling, which is purpose-designed to carry the volume of today's digital traffic at high speed. With the proviso that this cable still goes under ground where it may be subject to road works or impact, it must rank with WiMAX, which is also unimpeded by the tangle under our streets, as the best means of delivering signals across the last mile.

Video Conferencing

If cable is not readily available at your doorstep, it can be very costly to run a link, involving council permission for trench work, and take weeks to achieve. The same observation applies if the broadband is to be delivered by leased line, for which a premium price must be paid. WiMAX, by contrast, can be easily installed without any major works, in a very short timescale.

Fast Symmetrical Broadband With Guaranteed Speeds, Ideal for Handling Large Files in the Office

Most broadband is delivered by ADSL, which is asymmetric DSL. This means that the speed of outgoing traffic is less, often far less, than that of incoming signals. Files can, therefore, be downloaded from the internet faster than data can be uploaded. This affects things like live video conferencing. It means waiting many minutes while files upload. Some exchanges support SDSL which is symmetric, but at lower speeds of transmission.

WiMAX on the other hand provides a symmetric service and delivers, in both directions, the speed of transmission which the client has chosen - 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10Mbs. Customers wishing to switch from leased lines or to free up ADSL phone lines, to the more powerful WiMAX, can do so very simply. The WiMAX equipment is installed within days and the switch-over is seamless, merely substituting one supply cable for another.

It is estimated that installing and using WiMAX is between one and two-thirds cheaper than SDSL, and results in a faster, symmetrical service with a guaranteed reliability of 99.5%, but which in practice is usually in excess of 99.8%.

There are a few installations in places as widely disparate as Milton Keynes and the Isle of Man, but the main two areas offering WiMAX are central London and Manchester. In London the focus is on supplying the service to fixed office locations from a series of base stations. This is done by installing a small antenna (about A4 size) to the office rooftop. The broadband picked up and broadcast by the antenna is then distributed to the employees' desktops. At the time of writing there are 7 base stations already installed, divided into 45 sectors and broadcasting to a rapidly growing customer base, and with a coverage of 500,000 rooftops each capable of having an antenna fitted.

Those with offices in central London, between South Kensington in the west and Clerkenwell in the east, and south as far as Bermondsey are currently covered and WiMAX can be up and running within a very few days. All traffic passing between the company antenna and the base station is encrypted to the highest level of security, the same system as that used by the US Government to secure its transmissions.

Fast Symmetrical Broadband With Guaranteed Speeds, Ideal for Handling Large Files in the Office

This article forms part of a six-page report covering WiMAX, its features and availability in th UK. To read or download the full report, with case histories and FAQs, please visit

Don Anderson is a retired companydirector in Businesss-to-Business Marketing

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How Skype Works

Skype is a software application that allows you to make free phone calls to more than 75 million people worldwide, and shockingly cheap calls to practically everywhere else on Earth! As a result of that, Skype has become the fastest growing service in the history of the Internet. Recently, the company was acquired by eBay, another step forward towards achieving the final goal of making Skype the world's largest communication company.

Skype is easy to install and use. It allows its users to make crystal clear calls, regardless of their location, send instant messages, switch seamlessly between text and voice communication, make video calls, conference calls, transfer files, call landlines and cell phones for a fraction of the cost of a traditional call. Skype is truly making a revolution in the way we communicate.

Video Conferencing

But how does it actually work? This article focuses on describing the Skype network and the technology behind it.

How Skype Works

Skype is a type of peer-to-peer Voice-Over-IP client, based on the Kazaa file sharing program. The developers of Skype claim that it provides better voice quality than similar applications like MSN and Yahoo Messenger. It also encrypts calls end-to-end.

There are two types of machines in the Skype network - ordinary host (Skype Client) and Super Node (SN). An ordinary host is the computer of a regular user who has the application installed and connects to the network in order to communicate with other users. The Super Nodes are the end-point of ordinary hosts in the network. In other words, ordinary hosts connect to the Super Nodes. Any computer with a public IP and proper hardware configuration can be a SN. An ordinary host must connect to a super node and must register itself with the Skype login server for a successful login. The Skype login server is the only central unit in the whole network. It stores the usernames and respective passwords of all Skype users. Nslookups have shown that this server is located in Denmark. All Super Nodes connect to the login server in attempt to verify the username password of the client. It stores your Skype Name, your e-mail address, and an encrypted representation of your password.

If you are a regular Skype user, then your computer is considered an 'ordinary host' that connects to a Super Node. The Super Nodes are servers, located in different parts of the world. But your Skype client, must know to which SN it has to connect. Therefore, every Skype client (SC) maintains a local table that contains the IPs and corresponding ports of Super Nodes. This is called a host cache and it stored in the Windows Registry of the given SC. So basically, every time you load up Skype, it reads the date from the host cache, takes the first IP and port from there and tries to connect to this SN. If the connection fails for some reason (the SN is offline; it is no longer part of the network, etc) then it reads the next line from the table. In case it fails to connect to any of the IPs listed, the Skype returns a login error upon start-up. Hence, the host cache must contain at least one valid entry in order for the application to connect to the network and work properly. Valid entry means an IP address and port number of an online Super Node. The path to the table in the Windows Registry is HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / SKYPE / PHONE / LIB / CONNECTION / HOSTCACHE. You can verify that on your computer by opening the Start menu, then click Run and enter 'regedit', without the dashes. Of course, the exact path could be different in the next versions of the application.

As a concept, Super Nodes were introduced in the third-generation P2P networks. They allow improved search performance, reduced file-transfer latency, network scalability, and the ability to resume interrupted downloads and simultaneously download segments of one file from multiple peers. Basically, they help ordinary hosts connect to each other and guide efficiently the encrypted network traffic.

Super Nodes are also responsible for the 'Global Indexing'. This technology enables you to search for other users in the network. The company guarantees that it will find a user if he has registered and has logged in during the last 72 hours.

A very interesting moment about the Skype network is that it 'self-modifiable'. If you have the application installed, your computer may turn into a Super Node, without you even knowing it, because those capabilities don't have a noticeable impact on a computer's performance. SNs basically store the addresses of up to several hundred Skype users, without carrying any voice, text or file-transfer data. In that manner, the more Skype users come online, the more supernodes become available to expand the capacity of the network.

Skype routes the traffic intelligently by choosing the optimum data transfer path. Since it uses either TCP or UDP protocol, it breaks the whole data stream into separate packets, which can take different paths to the end destination. The final arrangement is done at the receiving end.

As far as safety and privacy are concerned, Skype uses Advanced Encryption Standard, known as Rijndel, used also by the U.S. Government organizations to protect sensitive data. Skype uses 256-bit encryption.

The programmers of Skype have implemented wideband codecs which allows it to maintain a good sound quality at a bandwidth of 32kb/s and allow frequencies between 5-8,000Hz to pass trough.

Your list of contacts, the application stores in the Windows Registry. This is called the Buddy list and once again, it is digitally encrypted. So, the list is local for every machine, or in other words, it's not downloaded from the central server.

Let's briefly describe the tasks of the Skype client. First it connects to the network. It then listens on particular ports for incoming calls, refreshes the host cache table, uses wideband codecs, maintains the buddy list, encrypts messages and determines if there is a firewall or not.

The login process:

The login process is the most important one and it consists of several phases. As mentioned, SC must connect to a valid SN in order to authenticate the username and password with the Central Server.

Skype gets the fist IP from the host cache, sends it a UDP packet and waits for response. If there is no response after 5 seconds, it sends a TCP packet to the same IP. It tries to establish a TCP connection to the HC IP address and port 80 (HTTP port). If still unsuccessful, it tried to connect to IP address and port 443 (HTTPS port). If this does not work either, it reads the next address in the HC. If Skype is unable to connect to a SN, it will report a login failure.

The application comes with several build-in addresses of different nodes, called bootstrap super nodes.

If the connection attempt is successful, the client must authenticate the user name and password with the Skype login server, which holds all user names and passwords and makes sure they are unique across the whole network. When the application connects to an SN, it receives an up-to-date list of other active SNs, so it has the most current information.

The Media Transfer process:

The video/voice communication through Skype is established through UDP. The trick here is that quite often, one of the users is behind a firewall or a router, hence it doesn't have a real IP address. But if both Skype clients are on real IPs, then the media traffic flows directly between them over UDP. The size of the voice packet is 67 bytes, which is actually the size of UDP payload. One second conversation results in roughly 140 voice packets being exchanged both ways, or 3-16 kilobytes/s.

If one of the callee or both of them do not have a public IP, then they send voice traffic to another online Skype node over UDP or TCP. The developers of Skype have preferred to use UDP for voice transmission as much as possible.

An interesting fact is that even if both sides are not speaking, voice packets will still be flowing between them. The purpose of these so called 'silent packages' is to keep the connection alive.


There are several factors responsible for the success of Skype. First of all, the voice quality is better compared to other applications. It works without a problem on computers with firewall. It is very easy to install and use. Skype's security is also a big advantage. Everything that is being transferred across the network is being encrypted to ensure privacy. As a result of that, even if hackers intercept the data being transferred, they won't be able to decode it.

The Skype application does not include any adware or spyware. But, there are cases when third parties have managed to add such functionalities (not only for Skype), so it's really important that you download it from the right place. Therefore, do it either from the official website, or from respected sites as

How Skype Works

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Business Meetings Using Video Conferencing

For a productive business Video Conferencing has become a tool for business rather than a luxury. Video Conferencing is an amazing tool which helps to participate in the meetings around the world at any moment and almost costs nothing.

The cost of conducting face-to-face meeting is too high when compared to online conferencing. Expect the most important ones, all the trainings and the discussions can be done using Internet.

Video Conferencing

Online Data collaboration is easy and the documents can be easily shared with the other locations. It is easy to implement tool as it uses the same Internet connection and the other accessories.

Business Meetings Using Video Conferencing

Meeting continuously with colleagues, customers and business partners increases interaction with them thereby helps in speedy decisions. But going up and down the meetings can take all the time, by implementing Video Conferencing and doing it online saves time and travel.

Reaching to remote places is a difficult task. When it is online we see that people from any corner of the world can participate because of the flexibility the tool gives. Business a remote places can be easily monitored.

Travel is a compulsory business phenomenon which is unavoidable all these days. With the advent of Video Conferencing the difficulty and cost of traveling have greatly reduced. Communication with the business clients, across the branches, trainings and updating the employees all involves lot of inter action. On line collaboration will be the best tool to get the work done in a moment of time. Saving time is all that matters in business.

The big point in online meetings is that you need not be present at the location. All the locations give a feeling that it is happening in one room, however remote they may be. So there is no geographical distance between the branches, all the branches are virtually brought into one room.

As the distance is not a point at all the spreading of clients and customers is very easy. Getting connected to remote places is easy, so spreading the business is easy by conducting online meetings.

Many factors act upon to conduct a meeting across the globe. Participation of every member some times is important. One cannot guess the various reasons of dropping out of the meetings even one day before. It the meeting is through Video conferencing the participants try to connect to the meeting what every health or personal problems they have. It helps in getting the opinions of the members, geographical boundaries is not at all counted, decisions are made quickly, the members are at ease as they can attend to their personal problems as soon as they finish the meetings. This gives a greater relief and flexibility both to the employee and the company at times when personal problems are critical. Even the employee think of not skipping the meeting as they don't need to travel.

With the use of Video Conferencing, whether the company is of few employees or of thousands of employees spread out across the world, interaction is very easy and passing instructions is easy and making decisions on clear opinions is easy. Finally the company is on strong confidence that there is clarity of thought and the decision is made on opinions of all the required members.

Business Meetings Using Video Conferencing

The author ShellyDesuza is working as an successful SEO for Peoplelink Corporate Solutions, a leader in Video Conferencing Software and Solutions. She has 3+yrs of experience in Content writing and web designing. The company also provides products like Desktop Video Conferencing, Boardroom Video conferencing, Telepresence and Audio Conferencing products.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Top Ten Places to Visit in Germany

If you're looking for a place that's rich with remnants of the recent past, then Germany's the place for you. As you may well know, Germany was a key player in the previous world wars. Thus, it filled Germany with monuments to the stories of our grandfathers about times long past but never forgotten.

1.) Berlin Wall

Video Conferencing

There's no other place in Germany that's more suffused with charged up emotions than the Berlin Wall. You can just imagine the tears and the blood shed over this very wall. This remnant of the wars stands as one of the greatest monuments to democracy known to man - a sign that freedom will always come out victorious.

Top Ten Places to Visit in Germany

2.) The Romantic Road

Driving through the Romantic road would be one of the most pleasant drives you'll experience in your whole life. This road is flanked by scenic landscapes on both sides. Occasionally, you'll pass through a picturesque town, a beautiful gothic church, and sometimes, a quaint countryside inn.

3.) Augsburg

Passing through the Romantic Road will lead you to Augsburg, a town founded by the Roman Legions and named after the esteemed Roman emperor, Augustus. This picturesque town contains such historical places as St. Anne's Church, the place where Martin Luther took refuge, and Dom, a very unusual Cathedral. You can also find here the Renaissance Golden Room, a sight that will make you squint with its shine.

4.) Neuschwanstein Castle

Did you know that Walt Disney used a castle found in Germany as his inspiration for the castle of Sleeping Beauty? It's true, those alabaster walls and those high towers and wide parapets were all based on the Neuschwanstein Castle. It is now hailed as one of the most popular tourist spots in Germany.

5.) The Castles of Fussen

Like most of Europe, several castles are littered throughout Germany. It contains the other two of Ludwig's castles, the first one being the Neuschwanstein Castle. This is a must-see for all those families who are traveling through Germany because the place literally looks like it's been torn out of a storybook.

6.) Lake Constance

Lake Constance is both a tourist spot and an essential source of life for the Germans. Several areas in the country rely on this very lake for their drinking water, and this large lake is also a great place to swim and to go bird watching. Indeed, if you're one for beautiful natural sceneries, then Lake Constance is not to be ignored.

7.) The Black Forest

The name looks like it has been taken from one of the fairy tales, doesn't it? The Black Forest - it sounds like a place where evil witches reside and cursed trees grow, but don't let that deter you though. If anything, the Black Forest can hardly be related to its name as it's a sunny forest with tall and sturdy firs. It's a great place to go hiking and a great place for picnics.

8.) Cologne

When you hear the word, Cologne, what comes into your mind? A beautiful fragrance, right? Well, meet the town that's called Cologne for a reason, and indeed, the town of Cologne has its own peculiar fragrance that's very pleasing to the nose. Also, there you will find a beautiful view of the River Rhine and the Cologne Cathedral.

9.) Dachau

Take a break from the fairytale castles and mystical forests and go to the place called Dachau. Dachau is a concentration camp - a remnant of Germany's dark past where you can just imagine the horrors that took place in this very spot. However, you will also find there a statue bearing the inscription, "Never Again", a solemn promise of the German people that they will 'never again' commit such unspeakable acts - another true victory for peace.

10.) Oktoberfest

The Oktoberfest - technically, it's not a place, but it's just too good a festival to leave out of any 'top ten list' that concerns tourism and Germany. This fun-filled festival in the town of Bavaria is guaranteed to leave you intoxicated and euphoric. You can spend days on end just drinking authentic German Ale and just letting yourself loose.

Top Ten Places to Visit in Germany

Jonathan Williams is the travel writer for Destination Guide TV - the place to share travel videos []. Visit [] to view or share Germany travel videos [].

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