Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Webinars Vs Webcasts

The main difference between webinars and webcasts is that webinars are usually intended for a specific audience and number of people while a webcast is visible to everyone who chooses to watch it. Webcasts are often used in business to try and attract new clients and get them to buy your business or service.

Although webinars can also be used to promote a business to outsiders this is not their primary function. Webinars are mainly used by companies who need to bring training and development to their workforce and also for business meetings that includes people from many different places. While some businesses may make use of a webcast to advertise their services when it comes to business meetings and staff seminars, webinars can be used to inform only those people who are part of the company.

Video Conferencing

Webcasts are often used in viral marketing because it gives the business person access to a much bigger audience of prospective customers. Webcasts are more useful for promoting a business to a wider audience that is not necessarily business minded. Webinars on the other hand are generally available only to invited participants who may all use the same password to access the seminar as this makes the webinar more secure.

Webinars Vs Webcasts

Webcasts are meant to be shared online and can be accessed by the general public. You might recommend someone to watch a webcast to learn something about your business but a webinar is not meant for the general public as the person running the webinar may be lecturing on sensitive information that is not meant to be accessed by anyone who is not a company member.

You can set up a webcast yourself with just a few clicks of the mouse whereas a webinar is often hosted by a vendor and companies pay either a monthly fee or a fee for individual lectures and participants. You can access a webcast when you are surfing, just a few clicks and you can see whatever the seller is trying to get across to the public. Most webinars are pre-booked with an invited audience only, if you have not been invited to attend a webinar then you will not be able to see the lectures or attend the business meetings. Most of the content of webinars is meant only for the members of a company, who may be privy to sensitive company information that, in the wrong hands, could harm a company.

If you are a small business or a sole trader then webcasts give your business greater visibility. Most people access a webcast because they have already landed on a site that makes use of this technology - they are on your site and one more click for the webcast doesn't make much difference. Although webinars and webcasts use similar technology they are meant for entirely different audiences and purposes.

Webinars Vs Webcasts

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable webinar provider we recommend Go To Webinar. For a detailed review as well as more information on the cost of webinars, visit

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Six Important Managerial Skills For Successful Leadership

A mark of a good leader is to be able to provide consistent motivation to his team encouraging them to attain excellence and quality in their performance. A good leader is always looking for ways to improve production and standards. Here are six management skills you can develop as a leader in working to create a quality effective team.

1. Observation

Video Conferencing

This is an important aspect that often gets neglected due the demands on a leader's time and schedule. Observation and regular visits to the work environment are a priority and should be scheduled into the calendar. Observing employees at work, the procedures, interaction and work flow is foundational to implementing adjustments to improve results. To have credibility, a leader needs to be seen and be known to be up to date with what is happening in the work place.

Six Important Managerial Skills For Successful Leadership

2. Monitor Employee Performance

Employee performance needs to be monitored in mutually accepted ways. Policies and procedures need to be clear. Conferencing should be on a regular basis and not just when there is a problem. Assessments and evaluations should not be merely all formality or viewed a necessary paperwork to be done and filed away. Individual and group conferencing should be undertaken not only to monitor performance, but with the expectation of on going professional development and support. There should be frequent encouragement and clear criteria for on going goals both for the group and individual.

3. Implementation of Professional Development Programs

A good leader evaluates weaknesses and provides training and development strategies to strengthen the weaker skills in the team.

4. Demonstrates Working Knowledge and Expertise

Good leadership comes from a place of strong knowledge and experience of the production and process leading to results. If a leader does not possess all the expertise and knowledge personally, then regular consultations with experts involved in the departments should be held. This is important in order to maintain an accurate and informed overall picture.

5. Good Decision Making

Good leadership is characterized by the ability to make good decisions. A leader considers all the different factors before making a decision. Clear firm decisions, combined with the willingness and flexibility to adapt and adjust decisions when necessary, create confidence in the leadership.

6. Ability to Conduct and Evaluate Research

On going review and research is vital in order to keep on the cutting edge in business. While managing the present to ensure on going excellence in product and performance, a good leader is also able to look towards the future. Conducting and evaluating research is an important way of planning and being prepared for the future.

Excellent leadership is always pro active rather than reactive. By developing these six managerial skills builds a solid foundation for success.

Six Important Managerial Skills For Successful Leadership

Barbara White, is a speaker and trainer in Leadership Skills.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Effect of Technology on Our Lives

Technology is an improved route to an unimproved target. Technology is associated with innovation. It involves the transformation of ideas into something useful. Innovation is just not limited to creative people and organizations, but also involves the availability of technological and scientific talent. Technology and innovation are synergistic. Technology has definitely changed our lives and for the better.

Looking back in time, we realize how much our lives have changed due to the fruits of technology. It has provided us with freedom and less consumption of time and resources. Pointing out a particular technology for the drastic changes in one's life is simply not possible. A nation's economic growth can be measured according to the level of technology. This is because a number of factors are responsible for affecting an individual's life style. The most important factor for deciding the working of a particular technology is the presence of competition. One kind of technology seems beneficial only until a technological advancement does not occur.

Video Conferencing

The most effective piece of technology is the mobile phone, and now a days being equivalent to a civilization. Due to technological changes, the dependency upon technology has increased many folds. Some advancement occurs at such a pace that they become self-defeating. The ability to convert carbon dioxide into fuel energy is a breakthrough process and once well established in would change our dependency on nonrenewable and limited sources.

Effect of Technology on Our Lives

With time, the use of internet is rising rapidly. The World Wide Web literally connects over 700 million people round the globe. The state-of-the-art technology has improved our means of communication as well as our educational standards. Due to the innovations in technology, an individual can gain knowledge about any topic at any place and at any point of time in his/her life. It has allowed the ease of availability of education. It has also improvised upon ways to fulfill our needs and to meet our expectations. Innovations in today's tech-world can help us to solve urgent problems.

The revolution in technology has given rise to chat rooms, discussion rooms, personalized web pages and online databases. The IT sector has completely changed the outlook of human communication with e-mails, video conferencing and instant messaging. With the advent of technology, people are building bridges to decrease the distances in their mind. One basic drawback that has taken place is that people are becoming lethargic due to high trends in technology. It is shortening our ability to pay attention. Robotics, automation and computerization are on the go for changing our lives. Implementation of robotics will give higher efficiency and cheaper labor, thereby increasing unemployment rate.

Now the other side of technology is not so green. It is because of improvised technology only that we have seen nuclear and atomic wars. This has also leaded to increase in pollution as well as corruption. Hence, one must know how to balance between manpower and automation. In the world of automation, cars have created freedom as well as concrete jungle. Technology is affecting our near future so it becomes our responsibility to streamline it in the right direction.

Effect of Technology on Our Lives

The Author is an expert Tech adviser who worked for several multinational corporates. Technology News - slimmest phone

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cheap Conferencing - Web-Mediated Communication Made Easy - 5 FAQs

Human communication is a cornerstone of good business. While simple customer transactions are increasingly being carried out online without any human interaction, most behind-the-scenes business decisions today are still being made by two or more people communicating extensively.

Of course, throughout history, most business meetings and conferences have been carried out via in-person meetings. But starting about 6 or 7 decades ago, telephones started to become an essential tool for making things happen in business.

Video Conferencing

But nothing since the advent of the telephone has rivaled the revolution in business communications witnessed with the rise of the Internet. Since the late 1990s, Web-mediated conferencing technologies have gone way beyond e-mail or text chats to new levels of sophistication.

Cheap Conferencing - Web-Mediated Communication Made Easy - 5 FAQs

If you are looking for cheap conferencing, Web-mediated communication is the way to go. Here are 5 FAQs about cheap Web conferencing:

1. How does Web-mediated conferencing differ from phone-only conferencing?

A: Using the telephone to talk about business ideas, conduct training and make sales to customers limits the communicators to just one dimension of communication: the voice. By contrast, Web conferencing bring into play additional dimensions such as video, live text chat, whiteboards, and application sharing. And, since Web-mediated communication leverages the essentially free infrastructure of the public Internet, it is cheaper to operate on a per minute basis than is phone-based conferencing.

2. How does Internet conferencing differ from in-person meetings?

A: Web-mediated conferencing (or Internet conferencing) also offers advantages over in-person  - or "face-to-face" - meetings. Namely, these two: a. cost of meeting attendance, and b. the ability to meet almost instantly.

To illustrate the difference: with in-person meetings, you need to take some form of transportation (car, plane, bike, boat, train, etc.) to physically visit the person with whom you want to meet - for which you often need to set an appointment far in advance. However, with Internet meetings the time lag between deciding to meet and actually meeting could be as little as 2-3 minutes.

3. What are the things to look for in a Web conferencing system?

A: There are a number of features to look for in a good system. Of course, what is actually available to you depends upon which system(s) you are considering. But, some of the features that may interest you in these systems are: whiteboard sharing, application sharing, website sharing, desktop control, desktop viewing, voice over IP (VoIP), online chat, ability to record meetings for later reference, audience polling, audience testing, streaming media, and various security features.

4. How many people can use an Internet meeting system at once?

A: Many systems are designed to be used by up to 20 attendees at once. However, several of the webcast and webinar software applications can accommodate up to hundreds or thousands of attendees (usually in listening/watching mode only, albeit with some feedback capability) at a single time.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using online communication for business meetings?

A: The only drawbacks to using online communication technologies relates to the limitation of not being able to experience certain types of non-verbal communication present in most face-to-face meetings, such as body posture, subtle facial expressions, and surrounding visual cues in the room.

If you are looking for cheap conferencing, Web-mediated communication is something that your company should be seriously considering.

Cheap Conferencing - Web-Mediated Communication Made Easy - 5 FAQs

Compare cheap Web conferencing services at: Cheap Conferencing Advisor.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Role of Collaboration in Organizations


'More than 97 percent of senior leaders believed collaboration is essential to success. However, only 30 percent of respondents and 47 percent of senior leaders believed leaders in their organization are actually skilled in collaboration. Results indicate leaders must learn to work across boundaries to collaborate effectively in the coming years.' (Centre for Creative Leadership, 2007)

Video Conferencing

Collaboration is a process of participation through which people, groups and organizations work together to achieve desired results. Common factors and characteristics have been identified by research as influencing the collaborative process, including the skills of leadership, communication, sustainability, unity, participation, and a history of successful accomplishments (Hogue, et al, 1995; Keith, 1993). Borden (1997) has identified four factors: internal communication, external communication, membership, and goal setting.

The Role of Collaboration in Organizations

Borden & Perkins (1999) identified and defined the following factors in the development of a simple self evaluation tool. This tool can be used by groups to stimulate discussion after self rating the collaborative effort for each key area. It can also provide an overview of the key factors necessary for success in a collaborative project.

• Communication - clear and open with an established process.

• Sustainability - there is a plan for sustaining participation and resources throughout the project including guidelines in regards to the replacement of members.

• Research and Evaluation - a needs assessment has been conducted, goals are clear and there are measurement processes in place to collect data and review those goals.

• Political Climate - there exists positive history and environment surrounding power and decision making. Political climate may be within the group as a whole, systems within the group or networks of people;

• Resources - there is access to the required resources. Resources refer to four types of capital: environmental, in-kind, financial, and human;

• Catalysts - the collaboration was commenced due to the existence of problem(s) or the reason(s) for collaboration to exist required a comprehensive approach;

• Policies/Laws/Regulations - the collaboration can function effectively under the existing policies, laws, and/or regulations or these can be altered or created

• History - the group has a history of working cooperatively and solving problems;

• Connectedness - members are connected and have established informal and formal communication networks at all levels;

• Leadership - there are leaders who promote, facilitates and support team building, and who can capitalise on diversity and individual, group and organizational strengths;

• Group Development - this collaboration was mobilized to address important issues. There is a communication system and formal information channels that permit the exploration of issues, goals and objectives; and,

• Understanding Stakeholders - the collaboration understands the stakeholders, including the people, cultures, values and habits.

Using the factors outlined above as a focus of discussion may reduce fragmentation within the group and move group conversation from generic discussion to focused dialogue leading to sound decision making, and action. Open and honest communication within the group can increase group effectiveness and commitment. It also assists with viewing issues and problems in a holistic manner. Open and honest communication within the collaboration and with stakeholders is critical to success.

Another key area to be addressed is the setting of direction and focus for the collaboration. Ensuring a clear and understood direction and focus between all parties for a collaboration defines the purpose of the collaboration as what its members seek to create. Setting the direction and focus begins with establishing the vision, mission, values, and principles. Defining the outcome(s) further establishes identity and fundamental purpose. Activities also need to be aggregated to provide value to the collaborative group and to stakeholders. Multiple activities with similar focuses can confuse. Task/role clarity can create greater involvement, dialogue and understanding. Applying the range of factors above to the processes and contexts of the collaboration results in a greater shared understanding of what the collaboration stands for, where it's going, the internal and external environment, and how it intends to make its outcomes a reality.

Collaboration as a Continuum Collaboration often means different things to different people, it is useful to think about collaboration as a continuum. Parties may consider themselves in relationships that vary from lower-intensity exchanges, in which the groups are more independent, to higher-intensity relationships, in which they are more interdependent. In one model (Kaplan, 1991), these differences in intensity are reflected in four common terms: networking, cooperation, coordination, and collaboration.

Networking Cooperation Coordination Collaboration Lower-intensity' Higher-intensity Independence' Interdependence

1. Networking Organizations have a networking relationship when they exchange information in order to help each organization do a better job.
2. Coordination Organizations have a coordinating relationship when they modify their activities so that together, they provide better services to their constituents.
3. Cooperation When organizations cooperate, they not only share information and make adjustments in their services - they share resources to help each other do a better job.
4. Collaboration In a collaborative relationship, organizations help each other expand or enhance their capacities to do their jobs. (Axner, 2007)

Trust and Collaboration The development of trust in nurturing collaborative relationships is a vital skill for leaders (Tschannen-Moran, 2001). Trust is built on perception and history. How our motives and activities are perceived determines if others will trust us. If we trust, we share. If not, we don't. How other's perceive us is their reality -outside of our own motives. If we are perceived as promoting our own agenda or trying to create our own "empire", others are reluctant to become involved and to share. This applies to organizations and individuals.

Affect- based trust are feelings of emotional involvement and sincere caring for each others welfare. Cognition-based trust is the belief that others are competent and responsible. Both of these forms of trust are the foundations for collaboration in organisations (McAllister, 1995). Interpersonal trust is also viewed as a key to facilitating and enabling coordinated social interactions (Coleman, 1988).

Learning to Lead Collaboration People can tend not to collaborate, this may be caused by issues of understanding, time, our work environments or politics. Collaboration is a relatively new concept and is unfamiliar to many people. We were taught in school to compete and that the world is survival of the fittest. Collaboration can seem to run contrary to what we were taught to do and be. If people are used to seeing knowledge as a scarce resource (and through ownership of knowledge it can create increased power for the individual or group) people may be less inclined to engage in open idea exchange and collaboration.

Innovation needs to occur in an environment of experimentation. However, if innovative ideas are to be effective, they need some structure to allow for consistency. The environment should foster both innovation and standardization.

Politics and bureaucracy also need to be addressed and understood within the organisational context and the context of the collaborative effort. Good ideas aren't always the ones that are implemented. Ideas that are connected to the right people in the right positions can often gain acceptance quickly and easily. Who has power? Influence on key decisions sometimes rests outside of formal processes. Sometimes, people on the "outside" have a profound impact on key decision makers. Ignoring other stakeholders can sink new ideas and innovations.

Tools for Collaboration The IT industry has recognised that collaboration and social networking is the way of the future and there is a strong move to create products which seek to improve productivity by virtualizing communications and business processes. People and organisations are looking at ways to connect with each other virtually and Web 2.0 products are being designed to fill those needs. However we already have easy access to tools such as video and tele conferencing, chat, bulletin boards and email - simple tools which enable groups to communicate. Many tools are readily available as open source software or at low cost making them accessible to all sectors. There are also more advanced products such as secure instant messaging, screen sharing and other groupware tools. These types of tools enable geographically dispersed teams to come together for virtual meetings allowing for time and cost savings, less travel, and improved communications flow.

Conclusion Trust, collaboration, sharing, freedom of ideas, are expressions of belief systems and culture. When we debate the role of collaboration in an organization, we are debating our views of how the organisation as a whole should be organized, power distributed, diversity allowed, and decisions made. Collaboration reflects a point of view: that by working together partners, formal or informal, can bring different perspectives to bear to solve a problem and bring about change. In order for collaboration to occur successfully within an organisation there needs to be a supportive culture and work environment, encouragement from senior managers and a rewards system which reflects the importance of collaborative practices. For collaboration to be successful between organisations there must be clarity, direction and dialogue.

Resources For more information about collaborative software go to


Axner, M. 2007, Promoting Coordination, Cooperative Agreements, and Collaborative Agreements Among Agencies. The Community Toolbox accessed 17/12/07 at []

Borden, L. M. 1997, Community collaboration: When the whole is greater than the sum of parts. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. (Quoted in Borden & Perkins, 1999)

Borden, L.M & Perkins, D.F. 1999, Assessing Your Collaboration: A Self Evaluation Tool. Journal of Extension, accessed 17/12/07 at

Centre for Creative Leadership, 2007, What's Next? The 2007 Changing Nature of Leadership Survey, accessed 17/12/07 at

Coleman, J.S. 1988, Social capital in the creation of human capital. American Journal of Sociology 94 (Supplement). 95-120.

Hogue, T. Perkins, D. Clark, R. Bergstrum, A. Slinski, M. & Associates, 1995, Collaboration framework: Addressing community capacity. Columbus, OH: National Network for Collaboration.

Kagan, S. L. 1991, United we stand: Collaboration for childcare and early education services. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1-3.

Keith, J. G., Perkins, D. F., Zhou, Z., Clifford, M. C., Gilmore, B., & Townsend, M. Z. 1993, Building and maintaining community coalitions on behalf of children, youth and families. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report (529). East Lansing, MI: Institute for Children, Youth, and Families.

McAllister, D.J. 1995, Affect and cognition - based trust as foundations for interpersonal cooperation in organisations. Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology Journal, 38: 24-59

Tschannen-Moran, M. 2001, Collaboration and the need for trust, Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 39 Iss. 4.

The Role of Collaboration in Organizations

Miriam Scurrah is a learning and development professional based in Australia. I managed my first business at the age of 21 returning later to University to gain a degree in Adult Education, a Masters in Business and Technology, a Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and a Graduate Certificate in Criminology. I am currently studying a PhD on the topic 'Stakeholder Perspectives of Prisoner Learning'.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is similar to the popular video phones where you can call anyone around the world and not only speak with them, but see them on your computer or television screen during the conversation. The difference is that video conferencing is intended to work for larger conferences rather than serving the needs of individual consumers, often using closed circuit television.

While many businesses have taken this technology under wing as a useful tool, there are advantages and disadvantages of video conferencing which must be considered before you decide if it will work for your meeting needs or not.

Video Conferencing


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Conferencing

1. Reach anyone you need to reach immediately, no matter what time of day it may be for anyone involved. Time differences between states and countries can be overlooked without anyone traveling long distances for the conference.

2. While a phone call may suffice for two people who need to have a short conversation, web-based conferencing allows large rooms of people at different locations to interact with one another effectively. Ten business execs in Amsterdam can easily interact with five others in New York and two in Tokyo to create a full conference with everyone able to see and hear perfectly.

3. PowerPoint and other visual displays can be shared with everyone attending the conference at the same time, giving the feel of everyone being in one room and keeping everyone on task and focused.

4. Virtual whiteboards allow people from different locations to add in their own thoughts or ideas into one collaborative space. This enables everyone to form a plan of action or collaborate on a design or slogan instantly.

5. It is possible, with some services, for everyone to gain access to another computer, seeing whatever is on that computer screen. With more advanced services, a document can even be changed and typed into directly from other computers connected into the conference. Businesses that require active collaboration on one project form can be greatly enhanced with this possibility.


1. The price may be the biggest drawback for some people, though there are very cheap options if you do not require the more advanced features. Usually, a business that can make good use of the more advanced features often finds that the money they save flying clients or employees around the country or world more than makes up for the cost of the service provider. As fuel becomes more of an issue around the world, the price becomes less of a disadvantage and more of an advantage.

2. There are some human ways of communicating that do not translate very well over a distance, such as eye contact. When you sit in the same room with someone and listen to a speech or presentation you will make eye contact and they will judge who is paying attention by looking around the room. Much of this contact is not easily delivered through a webcam.

The advantages and disadvantages of video conferencing have to be weighed against your purpose and whether there will be something valuable lost through this technology that you don't want to give up.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Conferencing

Is teleconferencing an advantage or a disadvantage for you? For more information on Video Conferencing, try visiting - it is a website offering solid tips and information on different conferencing options.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Great Things to Do in Venice on a Budget

As you catch your Venice Airport water taxi to get from the airport to your accommodation in the city, you will no doubt be planning where to go and what to do first on your holiday. While a holiday here can be just as expensive as anywhere else, there are plenty of things you can enjoy doing that are absolutely free.

Here are some suggestions to get your holiday started on the right foot once you disembark from your Venice Airport water taxi.
Go inside St Mark's Basilica

Many people are surprised to learn that St Mark's Basilica is free to go into. It can get very busy, but if you can arrive early you may beat some of the queues. It is the most famous of all the churches in the city and is one of the highlights of any trip there. You can appreciate the Byzantine architecture without spending anything in the process.

Visit St Mark's Square

Otherwise known as Piazza San Marco, this square is where you will find St Mark's Basilica, so here you have two free activities to enjoy in the same day. Indeed if you arrive early via the Venice Airport water taxi you may want to ask for directions to the Piazza; everyone will know where you want to go. Watch out for the Clock Tower and the Piazzetta dei Leoncini, another open space to appreciate.

Explore the Jewish ghetto

Sometimes referred to as the Venetian Ghetto, this area was home to the Jews during the Venetian Republic. The area stands out because it has much taller buildings than some other areas of the city. This is because the Jews had to make do with a small area and thus built their homes higher than was needed elsewhere. It is an attractive and worthwhile area to explore.

Visit the Rialto Bridge

You may also see this referred to as the Ponte di Rialto - ponte meaning bridge in Italian. It is a famous bridge that is built from stone and provides a crossing over the Grand Canal. You will travel on this same canal when you catch your Venice Airport water taxi, so this is another nice opportunity to see more of it. The best part of this bridge is that it has a number of stalls across it, selling a range of delights and goods.

Visit the parks of Venice

While the city is known for its canals, waterways and charming architecture, it has even more to offer than this. There are a number of delightful parks in the city, from Giardini Papadopoli to Giardini Napoleonici, so if you feel as if you need some downtime from the hustle and bustle of the city, take a picnic into one of the parks instead.

As you can see Venice has lots of free things to see and do, and some of them are arguably among the most famous things to do of all, so they should not be missed by anyone.

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