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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Video Conferencing Systems - Top Ten Features to Look For!

Here is a list of the top ten key features to look for in premier Video Conferencing Systems!To ensure that you pick the right one to get up and running, with no fuss and no bother! The right Video Conferencing Systems are easy to pick, once you know the top ten key features to look for!

Video Conferencing Systems: Top Ten Features.

No downloads, Make it easy for attendees no unknown software for them to download. Email them a link to click, and its done! Ease of use, simple intuitive software a first timer can figure out! Room size, do not pay for more than you need. Choose a scalable system! 0-10 or 0-100 perhaps 0-500 Full Video and Audio capabilities. Presentation Mode, so you can get your message across with out interruption! Desk top sharing, a key feature for effective team work. File sharing another key feature for business users internationally Password capabilities, a useful privacy feature. Fully customisable... Brand-able. Power packed moderator controls.

Video Conferencing Systems - Top Ten Features to Look For!

Perhaps I should have added cost to the list, but I am sure cost and value for money does not need to be explained! For Video conferencing systems if you have all the above bases covered you are on to a winner! One key point to mention is the ability to show Video in your video conference room, many will let you show a power point presentation and that is unfortunately the limit of there capabilities.

You and I know that video in a presentation is an extremely valuable and powerful tool, so it is well worth looking out for!

My personal experience of video conferencing systems is that people can be reluctant or perhaps too lazy to down load software, for attending a meeting or sales presentation! So been able to email a client, prospect or professional colleague and say... "Hey just click this link at 2pm and we can chat live, share files video or text chat etc." Is a great and easy way, to get people into the video conference room! And that is the golden rule! Make it easy to start communicating.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Effect of Technology on Our Lives

Technology is an improved route to an unimproved target. Technology is associated with innovation. It involves the transformation of ideas into something useful. Innovation is just not limited to creative people and organizations, but also involves the availability of technological and scientific talent. Technology and innovation are synergistic. Technology has definitely changed our lives and for the better.

Looking back in time, we realize how much our lives have changed due to the fruits of technology. It has provided us with freedom and less consumption of time and resources. Pointing out a particular technology for the drastic changes in one's life is simply not possible. A nation's economic growth can be measured according to the level of technology. This is because a number of factors are responsible for affecting an individual's life style. The most important factor for deciding the working of a particular technology is the presence of competition. One kind of technology seems beneficial only until a technological advancement does not occur.

The most effective piece of technology is the mobile phone, and now a days being equivalent to a civilization. Due to technological changes, the dependency upon technology has increased many folds. Some advancement occurs at such a pace that they become self-defeating. The ability to convert carbon dioxide into fuel energy is a breakthrough process and once well established in would change our dependency on nonrenewable and limited sources.

Effect of Technology on Our Lives

With time, the use of internet is rising rapidly. The World Wide Web literally connects over 700 million people round the globe. The state-of-the-art technology has improved our means of communication as well as our educational standards. Due to the innovations in technology, an individual can gain knowledge about any topic at any place and at any point of time in his/her life. It has allowed the ease of availability of education. It has also improvised upon ways to fulfill our needs and to meet our expectations. Innovations in today's tech-world can help us to solve urgent problems.

The revolution in technology has given rise to chat rooms, discussion rooms, personalized web pages and online databases. The IT sector has completely changed the outlook of human communication with e-mails, video conferencing and instant messaging. With the advent of technology, people are building bridges to decrease the distances in their mind. One basic drawback that has taken place is that people are becoming lethargic due to high trends in technology. It is shortening our ability to pay attention. Robotics, automation and computerization are on the go for changing our lives. Implementation of robotics will give higher efficiency and cheaper labor, thereby increasing unemployment rate.

Now the other side of technology is not so green. It is because of improvised technology only that we have seen nuclear and atomic wars. This has also leaded to increase in pollution as well as corruption. Hence, one must know how to balance between manpower and automation. In the world of automation, cars have created freedom as well as concrete jungle. Technology is affecting our near future so it becomes our responsibility to streamline it in the right direction.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to Setup an Internet Conference Call

It seems with the invention of the internet, everything is changing. The way we send information has been changed dramatically. People use to write a letter, stick it in an envelope, place the stamp on it, and mail it away. Now that letter has been turned into an instant telegram, compliments of your computer and the internet. Photos that took an hour or 2 to get developed, can now be transferred to you computer, digitally enhanced, and then printed with high quality, in a matter of minutes. It is no surprise that conference calls that were done over the phone, can now be done online.

An internet conference call is done via your computer. Luckily for you, you do not need a college "how to setup an internet conference call" course. Then again, you can't jump right in and be a professional at it either. First you are going to need software that allows you to conduct a conference call over the internet. This part is not very hard considering that there are a number of companies that have software that let you host a conference call at little or no cost to you. The software you have setup will have a different overall view, and may be more complicated or less complicated then others.

Here is a basic example of creating a conference call on the Skype software.

How to Setup an Internet Conference Call

As you can see, it is quite simple to set a call up over the internet. During the call you can share information, files, video, and audio. Each program is different. Some may restrict the amount of information you send, while others may have no barriers on such things. It is true that these types of programs are similar to chat rooms and such, but they offer many more features and the ability to share sound and video. The best thing to do is try a few, before settling down with a specific type. Although you may be happy with your current internet conference call setup, one may be just around the corner that could be even better.

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Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information on how to setup an internet conference call, plus video, audio and web conference calling specials that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Top 10 Secrets From Anthony Robbins

For more than 25 years US-based motivational speaker and success coach Anthony Robbins has been passionately pursuing the answers to questions such as 'What shapes human behaviour? And how can we create lasting change
within oursleves and others?'.

He has spoken in front of more than 3 million people around the world and sold around 35 million books and audio coaching products.

After attending his 4-day 'Unleash The Power Within' seminar recently in Kuala Lumpur I learnt many strategies to perform at your best.

The Top 10 Secrets From Anthony Robbins

I even took part in his famous barefoot walk over hot coals. This powerful physical metaphor shows how anyone can overcome their deepest and greatest fears with focus, passion and desire.

Part rock concert, part learning experience, part aerobic workout, the seminar was attended by more than 4,000 people in a giant indoor sporting stadium that was built for the Commonwealth Games.

Standing 6'7", weighing 265 lbs and with a shoe size of 16, Robbins was impressive on stage as he harnessed the energy of the crowd.

In fact, security guards have to line the stage as he is regularly swamped by over eager fans.

At 43 years old, he has been enormously successful and worked with people like President Clinton and Nelson Mandela.

What was it like?

Hot, humid, high energy and simple take home messages packaged with a high-tech light, sound and video show.

I was impressed, motivated and got some great ideas from it.

Here is my gift to you. The Top 10 Secrets of Success I learnt from spending 4 days with Tony Robbins.


As the promotional material says the event was 'about creating breakthroughs, moving beyond fears and limiting beliefs, accomplishing goals and realizing true desires, turning dreams into reality, creating fulfilling relationships, and modeling the strategies of peak performers to produce a quantum difference in your life.'

If you cut out the hype, the simple message is if you believe in yourself enough you can achieve anything.

A memorable one-liner was "the only thing that's keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself".


Ask anyone and most people will admit they lack confidence in some areas of their life. The interesting thing I learnt from this seminar is that this self-doubt is around universal themes. These themes cross age, gender, religious, cultural and language barriers.

Common doubts include 'I am not good enough', 'I am lazy' and 'No-one loves me'.


Robbins calls it 'immersion' where you break old patterns and build new ones by repetition. He uses a lot of Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques to achieve this with his audiences.

He says "progress is not automatic".

A memorable moment in the seminar was when we had to visualize ourselves inside a bubble and inside that bubble was a series of videotapes neatly arranged in a time-line that represented all our memories in our lives so far. We had to pull out the negative videotapes and destroy them. This was followed by time spent visualising the future and how your life will look 10 and 20 years from now.


The Robbins message was that 3 things shape our self-belief. He calls them the Triad. These are our patterns of physiology, focus and language or meaning.

He highlighted this with the quote: "where focus goes energy flows".


Robbins believes you can "vanquish whatever is holding you back from taking action".

Walking barefoot across a bed of glowing coals is the physical metaphor he uses in his seminars to prove this point to the skeptics.

Eliminate negative self-belief and take massive action are his keys to success.


"Where focus goes energy flows" is a quote used by Robbins in his presentation to highlight why you need to know your outcome and why achieving this is a must.

But many people fail to take the next step. They delay, put off and find many reasons or excuses not to act.

Robbins believes "progress is not automatic" and "action is power". Take action, even if it is the wrong action. He says it is "never a failure if you learn something".


Robbins spent a fair amount of time in the seminar talking about and demonstrating interpersonal communication skills.

He used people from the audience to show how the process of "matching and mirroring" the non-verbal communication and body language of others can be a very powerful way to connect with people.

In essence, you create rapport by adopting the body language of the person you are communicating with.

He believes "rapport is power" and "total responsiveness is created by a feeling of commonality".

If you have learnt these techniques before and haven't used them for a while, I suggest it is time to dust them off and put them into action next time you are communicating with someone on a one-to-one basis.


Robbins believes that "to have an extraordinary quality of life you need two skills: the science of achievement (the ability to take anything you envision and make it real) and the art of fulfilment (this allows you to enjoy every moment of it)."

He says "success without fulfilment is failure".

Find your passion and purpose in life. My purpose is to make a difference in people's lives and use my gift as a speaker.


To gain improvements quickly and step up to a new level of achievement, Robbins believes learning from others who are the best in their field is the fastest way to achieve success.

He told the story of how he wanted to improve his tennis game and so employed Andre Agassi, the then number one ranked player to help him achieve this.

Who could you model yourself on?

"People's lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group," according to Robbins.


If you are not healthy - all of the above points are a waste of time.

Your health is determined and influenced by your lifestyle.

One major change I've made since the seminar is to eat a healthier diet and exercise more regularly.

As a speaker, my whole business depends on my ability to perform at a peak state. Like any professional athlete, the success of business is directly linked to my diet and health.

Take care of yourself, your body is ultimately your most important asset.

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Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Human Resources Can Be Managed Effectively Using Conference Call Services

Human resources are an essential component of any organization. To be successful, a company or organization will require effective human resource management. In today's business climate, where a key issue is the considerable competition to attract and retain talented valuable staff members, managing human resources well is very important.

Today's companies are overcoming the geographical boundaries by establishing their own global foot print. These companies are expanding their operations beyond their own country and becoming multi national. Even though, this sounds very good, it brings along with it some challenges. A very important challenge is managing the workforce which is spread across many countries and multiple time zones. In such a scenario as this, it becomes very important for the organization to think of innovative ways to provide effective communication system.

Good communication inside an organization is very crucial for it's success and well being. The employees need to imbibe the vision, goals and ethics of the organization to become emotionally united with one another and achieve organizational objectives. When the employees are spread around the world in different countries, effective communication may become a very costly affair, time consuming and tedious. Management of human resources becomes a challenge for the organization, really.

Human Resources Can Be Managed Effectively Using Conference Call Services

Given these premises, an organization should think of innovative ways of improving the communication among the employees around the world. Conference call services are a very useful management tool that could help bridge the communication gap among the employees. They provide a very cost effective and flexible way to manage human resources when the employees are spread out in different time zones and parts of the world.

As a communication medium, conference call has become very popular due to it's ease of use, cost reduction in enabling effective communication and in saving time. The ability to conference multiple people at the same time, there by providing an effective platform for communication among multiple people, is just one more important benefit provided by them.

With the advent of email, internet and conference call services, human resource management has become quite easy. As a result of this, setting individual performance objectives, assessment of employee performance, providing feedback and tracking their well-being has become very easy through conference calls. Because of advantages, investing in such advanced technologies indeed takes an organization to a higher level in managing their human resources.

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In today's business climate, where a key issue is the considerable competition to attract and retain talented valuable staff members, managing human resources well is very important. Conference call services are a very useful management tool that could help bridge the communication gap among the employees, who are spread out around the world in different time zones. They provide a really cost effective and flexible way of communication mechanism. Conference calls as a communication medium has become very popular due to it's ease of use, cost reduction in enabling effective communication and in saving time.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

So You Want To Be A Criminal Profiler?

When you teach forensic psychology, the question students ask the most is how do I become a profiler? This question also appears on the frequently asked questions section of the FBI website.

Given the popularity of the CBS drama criminal minds, the how do I become a profiler question is going to be asked more than ever. The aim of this article, therefore, is to address whether becoming a criminal profiler is a realistic career aspiration.

Criminal Profiling in the USA

So You Want To Be A Criminal Profiler?

The FBI doesn't actually have employees with the job title profiler. However, special agents at the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) at Quantico, Virginia do construct profiles of unknown offenders as well as offering case management advice, threat assessments and interviewing strategies to law enforcement agencies both home and abroad.

You cannot simply apply to the FBI and immediately become a NCAVC agent. A basic requirement is three years service as a FBI special agent. However, such is the competition for places, successful candidates tend to have up to 10 years of service behind them along with experience investigating violent and sexual crimes and abductions.

In terms of educational requirements an advanced degree in a Behavioral or Forensic Science is often listed as preferred qualification.

It is possible to work at the NCAVC without being a special agent. these professional support positions include Intelligence Research Specialists, Violent Crime Resource Specialists, and Crime Analysts. These are essentially research positions so an in-depth knowledge of research methodology, data collection and analysis is required.

Whether you are applying to become a NCAVC agent or a research specialist you can expect to have complete a range of written and psychometric tests.

Criminal Profiling in the UK

If you think getting into profiling work in the USA seems a difficult proposition, the chances of doing it in the UK are even more remote.

In 1995 Gary Copson conducted a comprehensive survey of police use of profiling, which among other things addressed the questions, who are the profilers? What are their qualifications? What do they actually do?

Who are the profilers

The Copson study found that profilers define themselves as having relevant expertise for a particular criminal
investigation, although this expertise is not confined to one profession or academic discipline.

In total 29 profilers were identified in the course of the study, the make-up of which was as follows:

4 forensic psychiatrists

5 academic psychologists

4 clinical psychologists

6 forensic psychologists

3 therapists (unspecified)

4 British police officers

1 British police scientist

1 British police data system analyst

1 American law enforcement agency


Psychiatrists are qualified doctors of medicine who undertake postgraduate training in psychiatry. Psychologists have both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in their specialist area and may have secured chartered status through the governing body that oversees their professional development. Police officers who undertake profiling work have usually studied psychology as a postgraduate.

What do they do?

As with any form of profiling, the principal aim is to generate a behavioural composite of an unknown offender so that it tells you something about the personality of the individual.

In the Copson study 184 accounts of profiling are documented. In 111 of these cases the profiler put his/her advice into writing. An analysis of the content of these written reports revealed 10 main areas of advice.

Features of the offence

Character of the offence

Origins of the offender

Present circumstances of the offender

Criminality of the offender

Geography of the offender

Predicted future behaviour of the offender

Interview strategies to be adopted

Threat assessment

Specific police recommendations.

So you still want to be a criminal profiler?

Good for you, but bear in mind that very few people get to do it as a form of career.

My advice would be to concentrate on doing well within a broader field e.g. psychology, while at the same time pursuing your interest in profiling as often as you can. For instance doing a profiling related final year project or dissertation.

You can find out more about pursuing a career in profiling by visiting

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Having worked as a lecturer in psychology in the UK, I recently moved to sunny Spain with my family, where I now work as a distance learning tutor and research dissertation supervisor.

Since 2000, I've been involved in collaborative research with teams of forensic scientists in the UK, US and Canada.

Keep up-to-date with the world of forensic psychology by reading the forensic psychology blog. This regularly updated blog addresses the most common issues and questions raised by those thinking of or currently studying and working in the field. Among the topics covered are career and study options, forensic job opportunites, conference listings, internships, forensic research and psychological research methods.

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